
Cost of Fence Staining

What Costs Are Involved With Doing Your Own Fence Staining?

If you want to give your fencing a fresh coat of paint but do not have the funds or the time to spend on a custom job, there are other options available that do not cost much more than regular paint jobs. Most fence staining companies charge around $10 for an average sized fence. Let’s consider the average labor cost and assume the staining service charges about half that, which would translate into a total cost of fence staining of around $5.

Staining a fence is a fairly inexpensive way to bring some color and personality to the area surrounding your home. But just because you can do it yourself, that does not mean you should do it. There are certain steps that should be taken before starting any fence staining project. You need to be aware of what the cost of a professional stainer would cost if you decided to do it yourself and what steps you would need to take in order to avoid having to call a professional.

Preparation for Staining Your Fence Project

Before beginning any staining job, you should make sure that the surrounding area is safe for the staining chemicals. This means that you need to ensure the ground is level, that the staining chemicals do not leak out and that there is no debris in the area.

You need to check the surface before beginning work and get rid of any items that could be damaged or scratched during the process. Also, ensure that you do not move heavy objects while working on the area. If you are using a ladder for staining, you will need to ensure that it is firmly attached to the ground.

The next thing to consider when planning to do your staining work is the location of the work area. If you want your fence to stand out in your yard, you may want to use a different colored stain on the area, such as red. You can also paint around the perimeter of your fence to make it stand out and draw attention to the area.

After determining where you will stain your fence, you will need to decide what color and type of stain you will use. In most cases, the color of the stain will depend on the materials used.

Once you have chosen the stain, you will need to prepare the areas where the stain is to be applied. Some stains require pre-priming, others require a primer prior to staining and others, a finish.

Find a Paint/Staining Fence Contractor?

Once you have done all these preparations, you will need to find someone to paint your fence for you. Hiring a fence strainer will help cut down the overall cost of staining your fencing but you may want to hire a professional to help with some of the preparation and finishing tasks, such as installing a backing on the fencing if needed.

Another more expensive way to complete fence staining is to use a contractor who will come to your home and prep the area for staining. This can be an expensive proposition and you will not likely get this service for free. Many contractors can save you time, money and frustration by providing pre-finished staining kits so that you can choose the stain that best fits your fence.

Stained fencing is one of the more popular methods used to add style and character to a yard. You will probably find many options to choose from. Some of the most common stains are wood stains, which can be a good investment for the long term. because they resist stains and wear well.

In some cases, you may be able to install wood over the top of the stain. This is known as a tacked-on stain and it will require a bit more work and maintenance than the wood stains. If your fence will not withstand an entire stain, you may want to think about using metal stain instead, which is very durable and can stand up to years of wear and tear.

You may also want to think about putting up a covering over the top of the stained wood stains before applying the finish, so that the stain will not damage the wood. However, you may want to consult a pro about the best option for your situation to determine if this is a good option for your needs.

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